After I use Linux - to say UBUNTU - several weeks has worked successfully for my PTC-II with KPTC but found only one sensible user interface, I changed my portable object and installed an emaciated XP Professional without games, WordPad, Internet Explorer and other "surplus" aid programs.

The installation takes just under 1 GB and is good place, if the SSD formatted with NTFS, so that the drive for installing compressed. Of course one can also minimize any space-consuming activities of Windows, this should be but first read the ASUS manual for the installation of Windows that is not offered on the drivers side of ONE, but on the ASUS:
the necessary programs including portable apps - http://portableapps.com - consume on an SD card, about 1, 5 GB, a total reserve of 3.5 GB is therefore available. The result is very satisfying, even if some of you believe that all this would not 2 GB. Do it but if you can treat the card slot, the 4 GB and there will also portable apps installed. This is then run Abiword, Firefox and Thunderbird. After installing Windows, you have to of course the driver of
http://service.one.de/download/index.php?&direction=0&order=&directory=NOTEBOOKS/ONE_A1xx/ driver% 20XP% 20SP2
install. That is painfully bad but the result rewards the hard work. So communication PUR is guaranteed by amateur radio and WLAN.

Looks good! Of course it takes more than 45 years, a proper glasses will be able to read the fine print well. And you need - what comfort - such as LINUX does not scroll!
And this is a user interface for controlling the PTC-II. Pactor of CW to just go all:

And here comes the user interface for D-Star, especially for the IC-E91. So globally communication from the pocket is just fun. From Paris Gare du Nord to Melbourne.

Skype has nothing to do with amateur radio, but the self-appointed Lord Privy Seal, communicate in private with each other here!

SSTV in good stability without the hassle of clock remoteness voice. JVCOMM32 together with the PTC-II is sogestalt just beautiful!

And here's my log. Upon occasion where one stays, one can change his call-PREFIX and already is the documentation easy. Back home, only the movable File back and play well it is!

And so you know when and where to call, a scout for the KW-Fans:

And so you also know where the QSO partner stays :

e-mail via Amateur Radio: Airmail, WINLINK and the PTC can make it. And so you do not rumrufen too long, to have a propagation analysis is attached.

All this is it for € 199.00
39 € for the scaled-down Windows Professional.
39 € for the scaled-down Windows Professional.
who with his "laptop with no RS-232 interface with USB ports in connection with RS-232 converters in Windows has problems and the FTDI FTDI driver" jerky " settings can be "system", "Hardware" "Device Manager", "COM ports and USB SERIAL PORT - Advanced" and rampaging D-STAR-DONGLE tame or get chatting.
Where possible always choose COM1 and "put down" in the case of wiggling the parameters.
Where possible always choose COM1 and "put down" in the case of wiggling the parameters.

This guide will help stimulate interest in mobile amateur radio. With practice 1200g hand luggage all working world, but is worth the trip! Look to also stop by to
, where you see as a mobile rig, although still with the old libretto and WIN98.
Hermann, DL1EEC
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