Friday, July 24, 2009

Oven Sets Off Co Alarm



After my 12-year-old libretto today is relatively slow but and I visited with Linux "A say" wish I bought the Eee PC 2G/Linux respectively One A110 including UBUNTU804, OpenOffice, Firefox, Thunderbird and a lot of utilities.

For extremely low € 199!

If you want to make amateur radio with the sound card is so well looked after because there are enough HAM software solutions. However, if you want to travel with the SCS PTC-II has, in each case with the Windows programs handling and quality losses in the surface. And with the new laptops, there is only USB ports: One RS-232 converter

have to also remember her!

When one sees through the installation process has the installer from KPTC for the SCS PTC-II is easy. to bring this program to the desktop is simple, but awkward:

Press right mouse button, "Add Starter" button, enter name and locate the boot file.

Ubuntu has a browser with which to find the linux-specific boot files is easier. If you have it - you click on them and then hopes that the "spring" also does what you had in mind - usually a blue diamond. And if you succeed, you will see:

Now click Options and then click Config, and enter your personal information. Also please do not forget to set the port speed with which PTC is the just configured.

But how do I get to KPTC, to chat with the PTC via converter? I use the converter from Digitus and in the beginning I thought of course that you like Windows needs a driver, what the installation instructions for Linux also suggests, but that's not true!

In the Ubuntu forums there are no instructions for "stupid" but only for so-called specialists. And in the amateur radio-NG at least I got a statement that technically simple was wrong. The decisive help but I got it from SCS, more by chance, in a subordinate clause.

The secret is not one and the solution is found in the last line of the interface definition in the Department of Configuration in the last line of possible interfaces, then clicked where:

There, you type "/ dev/ttyUSB0 "a;
ie the text between the quotation marks.
The last character is a NULL, not a big Oh

binds Since 2004, the Linux kernel that is a routine that detects the FTDI driver when you connect the converter and the virtual interface "TtyUSB0" is generated. One can see this if you in the terminal window "lsmod" calls. KPTC you just have to say, by typing "/ dev/ttyUSB0" to enter in the configuration window. Easy when you know it, it gets said, or to find a helping hand.

Just a note about Linux. It might be interesting to experiment in an open system. If I get look but several hours after solutions in forums has to offhand statements or incorrect instructions, then I'll pay it like once 69 euros for a nationwide popular operating system and make for the time gained more radio operation, rather than going for hours with free programs mess around . But after

Linux has shown me the teeth I will Linux now show the teeth and use it simply with the Eee PC!

Hermann, DL1EEC


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