Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tech Deck App For Tocco


During the electoral assembly of the camouflaged as a general assembly meeting of the district chairman in DARC e. V. It was obvious to several minutes of silence the

from the local chapter R-14 ( Remscheid)
Rolf Treunowksi

therefore presented in his public address Hesse "41/08

Thomas Beidel - DL3EL - a showdown DH2RTW with the class "K" as a declaration of war; here excerpt:

"What a shame that we accept everything, and apparently only forum tigers. This is unfortunately not the right platform for targeted protest. "

That's right.

"Who wants to change something has been raising his 4 letters and bring his protest to the
events and open here, shut up."

I wonder why the author but there was, but nothing said. "

DH2RTW had prior and strong in his BLOG Abmoderation

carved on the plaster. Obviously, however, he had narrowed during the meeting in Bad Lippspringe and his anger after writing here

breath again. Rolf - DH2RTW - could have been better a crash course in AGZ taken that at least knew even earlier, how to do that!

Hermann, DL1EEC

Big Boobs Sixty Years And Above


as the DARC members DH2RTW (R-13) and DH1OR (R14), together with the

DV-NY, by Peter Kern, DL1EIP -

against the VUS DEPARTMENT-acted and what impressions they have left at least in the F District. The members of deterrence is, no advertising!

Hermann, DL1EEC

DARC Meeting
December 2008 in Bad Lippspringe

Last weekend was held the general meeting of the DARC in Bad Lippspringe. Thomas Beidel, DL3EL, district chairman in Hesse and Chairman of the Amateur Council would, at this point to the result of two applications received. The complete log is published by the office in Baunatal.

Here is the report by Thomas Beidel
- DL3EL -:

The application 13 A dealt with the VUS Unit. This has been practiced from the district R criticism of the work of the department and the lecturers. The Amateurrat should ask the Board that this tells the speakers, do his work as intended. In the public briefing was the speaker criticized by some that he had not informed any Unit meeting is carried out and taken a trip to Tokyo, where a presentation DARC with logo shown (according to a report in the CQDL). He also was only interested in D-Star.

The speaker has found out that he is by e-mail came in contact with the district officers, but the return was minimal. Partly because of the lack of feedback from the districts he had held no meeting paper. He wants to organize 2009, but, if that is desired. The trip to Tokyo was his private, self-funded leave.

In the afternoon session the application was then rejected. I find it a pity such a request. If a member believes that an employee of the DARC Board a - to travel club costs - for the member doubtful makes it the right way to ask itself or through its DV to the board to finance the trip. If an officer of the club at his own expense, to the detriment of his leave and is taking a trip, on that trip the club and makes positive publicity for him, then he is praised highly for. I think it's class, that Jochen (the speaker) so committed.

that his passion to the digital modes, especially the digital voice heard, from which he never made a secret. It is currently also a pretty hot topic. Especially the last IARU conference in Cavtat has shown that the other associations in Europe to look very closely at what we do and Germany take the lead here. The DARC has to deal with all facets of amateur radio. If some techniques, especially in focus, then heard that a special attention. Therefore, the rejection of the application was the correct result of amateur Council.

What Does Having Nipple Pierced Signify

SCHNORR and Mecklenburg

If hams a nation of freeloaders and envious? Man
believe it can, if we consider the debate to the
[Newsgroup de.comm.funk.amateur]
through the peephole.


excerpts writes 11.12.2008 Eike, DM3ML

[... Hello, dear radio friends, has a new software (version 2.0) and it looks as if the access in the future be granted (at least in 30 days) only to paying customers. ... ]

and further

[... As Logger32 fan, I've liked the quick access to that used by an agreement between the program's author Bob, K4CY and qrz com was possible. seems angry about the many free-rider to be pushed and rising costs for his business's conversion policy before .......]

then replied Helge Tefs - DG0NF - on 12/12/2008

[.... Hi Eike! What you wrote is incorrect and the title is actually more the style of the BILD-Zeitung. If one news exactly (even the cited section of you) reading this, then one will realize that that is not QRZ.COM suddenly cost money, but the use of the data in (some) external programs that have used the data currently free. In various other programs it cost always .... ]

and further

[... only to users of programs (in which case Logger32), the needed information directly from the web pages are filtered and then processed internally, look into the future in the tube. In that case, the users have the websites (and advertising) is not seen and therefore not to fund QRZ.COM contributed. Such use will now be excluded with the change .....]

[... But to write " not free" is simply wrong.

Correct would

"The use of QRZ.COM in Logger32 is soon no longer free "....]

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How To Tell If The Scorpio Man Interested


disposition CHANGES

DF9IC - Wolf-Henning Rech, Eisinger Strasse 36 / 2, 75245 Neulingen - wrote at 13:12:08 on HamRadioBoard on the democratic orientation of the amateur radio clubs in the context of DJ8DW - Uwe Kraus, desert Weg 57, 42657 Solingen - as Representatives of the OV-14 and R AGAF.

disclosed in the contributions is that currently many of the leading amateur radio operators - similar to the 4 "dissenters in Hesse" - recognize their own "doubt" and the undemocratic structure of the DARC eV only now. Obviously so only because they are doing to their own laundry or their financial spoils.

best example there is DJ8DW. When the AGZ - she was with him in R-14 - Next 14 years to protest began, he was the most friction pad. He - DJ8DW - was the one who stopped the AGZ always, not to denounce the undemocratic approach of the DARC network. And he was particularly fond of the DARC, as he needed the aid of his D-ATV project.

Dear Reader,

even if you all go across, I myself can no longer believe in the fairness of such ego-driven personalities in a non-profit organization. Do you still bother to read the bottom of the following sources once at rest, make their own impression and ask yourself, why are 81,000 radio amateurs in DL only 35 200 paying members of DARC.

Hermann, DL1EEC


Today, 04:18

... everyone must also be willing to do something for his hobby, it can not be the will to take in the OV and DV no more responsibility .... Everyone complains about the "mistakes" made by the DARC but in the end no one is willing to SC or DV level to bring something ...... If by "bottom" may not come "up" not change ........ Ever thought about it?

Are you naive or are we not in the same club? If by "down" is something of substance, the "top" refused. And I with the "top" and the "bottom" had some problems - it is not for the members to serve the board, but vice versa. As long as the Executive Board and AR with each other enough skeletons in the closet, that there is the law of omerta, it will change anything. Therefore, the first place, new people and then new structures.

An example to illustrate the wrong structures: the still-board has the final meeting with the tax authority, the district chairman before Christmas, in a letter with detailed information, the contents of this but could not pass on to the members, instead, the Board Members lied for months about the situation, until clear was that the men received only for negligent tax evasion (offense) a criminal order and is not for tax evasion (crime) is investigating them. As long as they did of course not resign.

The district chairmen are now but supposedly the representatives of Members in their capacity as Amateurrat, and as such they would inform the members and ask the hard questions need to board. Some were for it might be naive, others involved themselves in the matter - can be heard behind closed doors by a case of embezzlement of district funds, perhaps there was one or the other sugarcoated tax receipt - you know that just is not as accurate. The reason that it can happen, the structure, executive and supervisory body is to occupy the same personnel. The district chairman, who will run the one hand, instructions from the Board can not control this at the same time on behalf of the members.

As long as everything goes well, in their absence rather than on structures - now just now.

Well, now you'll tell me determines how YOU (are) willing to SC or DV level contribute something. " I'm just OVV. Yet.

greeting Henning

Friday, December 5, 2008

King Size And Super King Size Difference

D-STAR - F7W - WITH FM - F3E-equated

source :

Good day, dear reader.

Obviously the VUS-Unit in Case D-Star DV respectively nails done with heads and F3E equated with F7W. The so-called "DV Treff-frequencies" were picked out for 2m 145 375 MHz and 433 450 cm for 70 MHz.

OVV The local branch of the R-14 in the DARC, that also calls for dismissal of the Head of Unit-VUS DL1YBL - called, interpreted the decision situation such that DV was exclusively on the "meeting-spectrum" allowed. Obviously, the R-14-OVV but the shot still has not heard.

Hermann, DL1EEC

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

100 Beautiful French Words

trials and tribulations

DK7VW - Werner Jochem; Wendelborn 34, 66606 St. Wendel - running on his co-site

with other DARC members against their own club, or against the AR of the DARC, verbally amok. Cause of the dispute is a request to the new class C, also popularly known as Kalamity Class ( problem class ) denotes

and a matching comment:

reads The DK7VW'sche angry call to protest rather than a struggle against the class enemy, the AGZ eV now probably no longer occurs in the collection of the shooting gallery figures.

What they do but not at the invitation notice, the DARC-lapse, that this still can not distinguish between public members and public . If people had to DK7VW Power in the pants, they'd walked there to the "nonpublic" meetings, they are entitled according to the definition of women as members Gautsche namely access!

But what could one expect from people who are too happy by the DARC have always been to make publicly perform! And the district chairman of the supervisory board meeting on a regular basis in their electoral mandate abused. Or if necessary will be forced to the IARU, just as it is on the K-class already done so.

Hermann, DL1EEC

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Poems For Best Friend Asking Forgiveness


Dear Reader,

"who asks long is long mad" is a common saying but in the end you have to make as a radio amateur for themselves the Entscheidungung to help shape a new mode operationally.

The stupidest question now is:
"Can I use D-Star or is that illegal?"

is the stupidest answer:
"D-Star is prohibited because of ICOM's monopoly

again very clearly:
who has sufficient money or who the whole wirewrapped knit itself as a software author can, with his amateur radio approval to "his" bands with "his" Output in F7W - as D-Star is called technically - to practice fully digital amateur radio .

Who needs a new way or handheld radio and are interested in the networking of digital and analog radios, should a device be introduced which allows all modes including F7W.

Digital Voice - ie DV or F7W - is currently offered only by ICOM. Unfortunately ICOM currently has a monopoly because ICOM both the repeater and the client hardware offers, and also the control software to network the repeater based on Linux. So if you travel a lot and wants to communicate worldwide via Echolink and / or D-STAR is currently on a IC-E91 IC-E92 or by egg-laying as not all trades. Analogously, this also applies for the mobile device IC-E2820, when it comes to mobile use or to the domestic rig.

basic disadvantage of the networked amateur radio is that you on the display of the radio just can not see who it is where the world QRV. This is only possible if either rumschleppt a netbook or a Blackberry with Wi-Fi access with them or we know with certainty that the desired party in power stays. Enter In "YOUR" the call of the "friend's radio" and already, the network connects, no matter where or XYL to stay OM.

drives me personally but one question: Why do 80% of the D-Star users only use their local repeater be engaged without the TRX at its gateway function?

Hermann DL1EEC