only to register callback why amateur radio operators go for D-Star broadcasts on a QRG to the laundry, I bought a D-Star handheld radio and the matching software; quite crazy? After I in old-fashioned way - listening for the first time only - exercised power on and off, was I have a touch control via a rotary knob and the first values. As one could already lose your fancy: read manual, turning and tapping at the same time? That sucks.
So I installed the software RS-91 and played with it. It quickly became clear to me that one can be safely parked the handheld radio in the corner and with the operation of the speaker microphone itself manages. CQ in Melbourne or imply noticeable in Berlin was only a matter of one click and no odyssey with knob and chrome keyboard more.
Please do not forget to register with the repeater sysop to have
and to enlarge Click the images into the field!
Back then contact the arrow above left.

But how do I get from my repeater easily into the wide world?
On the "Call Reveived record"
see who is so constantly on the repeater "test" and who comes from outside through the gateway. After each beep just look once only.
On the message reception and transmission
you give up one's own texts, such as name, QTH, output, and the like. Appear below the data of the calling stations. In most cases, the name, DOC and OV-function, it has becomes a bit of conversation.
"message transmitted" has to be clicked.
image "Select Call Sign"
is the most exciting thing. The values for RPT1 RPT2 and you need only enter 1x, if you stay on the local repeater. I have entered in the example DB0HRF.
RPT1 is then DB0HRF B and RPT2 is DB0HRF G.
A stands for 23cm, 70cm B for , C for 2m and G stands for GATEWAY.
addition, the own call comes in and the far right to identify as DOC or something similar. After that you should press the OK button to save and to "Enable" make a catch. In addition, click on CQ far left and then next on the OK button.
With this setting, you press the PTT and checked the website whether your call in the first row now shows up on the repeater input.
you can now, if an other D-Star repeater is available to you - make QSY and press the PTT. The software identifies the repeater and writes it to your table "select .." and stores that too. The game is repeated, if you go back to the first repeater again. By the way, remembers the IC-E91 all your entries.
Do you want to call now in Berlin CQ, type instead CQCQCQ / B is a DB0DF
and press OK. Berlin DB0DFX would mean would be the input / DB0DFXB because they always have to enter 8 characters. A space is just a sign! If you now "CQ Berlin" call, you can hear you in Berlin.
Do you want to Paris, seek the call out of the repeater and wear it, preceded by Slash Bandindikativ (A to C) and go for it.
Individual callsign enter without Slash,
press OK and go directly to your partner. This all works because you have the repeater DB0HRF said to be gateway - should be turning - DB0HRF G. The router software knows all gateway and there is booked individual rings.
Do you want the Gateway really off, make RPT2 to "NOT USE". (!) Allows Gateway with Call and G at RPT2 - -
With the settings you have access to the world, you can - if you want - with a radio amateur who is here - http://www. / - appears communicate, and how to create P2P by CQ global random connections.
Another communication opportunity
the function Terminal Window related in the main window under option. Under her partner YOUR Call and you can then write to your partner as in packet radio. Keep in mind that everyone can read on your gateway repeater.
you can even read along all the GPS data of active radio amateurs with the GPS system!
Have fun and good luck with D-Star
Hermann, DL1EEC
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