I have an unexplainable passion for boats. I mentioned this already several times. This is limited however to the consideration of the outside. For ships and I are ( as embodied in section 13 ) is not the best of friends. The love from a distance I have from my birthday trip, unfortunately, too short, however, indulged extensively. And so sure were a hundred boats photos.
I love shrimp. Do not ask why, I do not know either. Especially because I would never set a foot on them - I'm really seasick. But I took tons of pictures, while being at the North Sea for a day two weeks ago.
And although details of boats and boats from all possible angles. Buoys, rigging, nets, nothing was safe from me. Only in the case of the crew I have restrained myself. There is more than someone accidentally slipped on the photo!
shrimper pictures I took in all details. And these are only a few of the photos.
morning or no later than tomorrow, I hope, incidentally, to show you photos of my two pieces of jewelry with the motto of the month of February. Which, I think, largely on my Kutter love inspired. Let's see if you are there the same opinion! I hope the flash to play! So far I had no luck!
I even made two inspired pieces of jewelry shrimper this week. At least I see them this way. I'm curious if you'll share this opinion!
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