I have had the nerve to stick this literature theft of Petra von
Since way ... because I find that the reading habits of a man very nicely described. I'm interested more, what other books selfish people for books preferences and how they deal with their books. So I will now answer this baton and certainly a lot of fun doing it.
Hardcover or paperback? I prefer more paperbacks, because they are handy and convenient. Also, I can always see them at the cover and remove it, which I find totally amazing. Hardcover also have their advantages, so I also buy those, but mostly just paperbacks.
Amazon or bookstore? It depends. During school, I have relatively little time to go to a bookstore in town, so I will usually order from Amazon. But when I have time and inclination, I really like to go to a bookstore, because I love the smell of new books and read me like once in a book.
Bookmark or dog-ear? On definitely bookmark! Donkey ears to go with me not because I could never destroy my book Sun
Order by author, title or disordered? are currently my books, unfortunately, very disorganized in my bookshelf, as it has become too small and I have to bring the books somehow. My father gives me a week but a new, larger storage, so I can sort the books then. I will arrange the books first and then roughly by genre then by the last name of the author.
hold, sell or throw away? I always keep my books, I am a total book collector. I give only books away when I've been around for ages and I have never read or never read or will they really were very bad.
keep dust jacket or throw away? keep course, since it is the beautiful cover on it and that I find very important.
read with jacket or without? I always read without, as the book jackets bother me to read when the book including always slipping away and I do not want to ruin.
short story or novel? I like reading novels. So far I've actually read no real short story.
cessation when tired or if the chapter is over? I'm actually for it to stop, if you are too tired to concentrate on the letters before you. But in practice, but then sometimes I can not stop read more. This morning I was often the problem of not knowing exactly remember what was on the last pages of all.
"The night was dark and stormy" or "Once upon a time"? "The night was dark and stormy," which sounds like a very interesting book ...
buy or rent? Buy Definitely, I have to have a book just so I am now once. Back when I was younger and I read children's books, but I have often borrowed books from the library.
New or used? I prefer in any case, new books, because I totally like the first leaf through a book and read. I especially like to propose to the book and pick my nose up close to the book, to sniff the fresh new fragrance. That sounds kinda sick, but I am now totally happy again.
purchasing decision: bestseller list, review, recommendation or browse? I look as good as ever on the bestseller list, but also read reviews by readers and their Recommendations. In addition, I also quite like to browse and even on Amazon and read to me by the short descriptions.
Closed End or Cliffhanger? The is I do not care, it should not only be forced cliffhanger, so you can make a series out of it, because something noted by the reader.
morning read, noon or night? This is quite different. I read when I have time and inclination. During school, but it is mostly in the morning before school and at night in bed.
single band or show? I am entirely open. I enjoy reading series, but I am very glad, if I do not have to start a new series.
favorite show? There are several, which supports the
Midnight Breed series by Lara Adrian would ,
the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon or the
werewolf series by Lori Handeland .
favorite book, has never heard from anyone? I do not know if someone has never heard of this book and I can not really even imagine, but that would be with me
Dragonfly Summer by Antje Babendererde .
favorite book you've read last year? There were also several that I liked really well, as
of Dear by Nicholas Sparks ,
mistress of the shadow of Sherrilyn Kenyon or After the summer, by Maggie Stiefvater .
What book are you reading now? I burn just the last 30 pages of
Arcadia by Kai Meyer .
absolute favorite book of all time? all time? I did not really because I like so many books well.
favorite authors? Mhhm is because there a lot, here only a few, such as Antje Babendererde, Jenny Nimmo, Kai Meyer, Lara Adrian, Lori Handeland, Lynsay Sands, Maggie Stiefvater, Sebastian Fitzek, Sherrilyn Kenyon and Tess Gerritsen.
So, with that question and the stick would be terminated. As I thought it made me really fun and I did not even before that there were many questions. I pass the baton to some bloggers, but it may be happy to take anyone who wants to. I thought it would eventually stolen quite cheeky. So, I would be delighted if
kattiesbooks ,
quill ,
Lenabo's Blog ,
reading pleasure and reading love and
Thriller Killer's blog would answer this baton, but only if you desire and time to have.