morning 10:30 in DC .
Unfortunately the weather was down, and thus much of this water into the . After a few
[ many> ] children tears, dismissed me in my Hostmum the most koolest museum in the world. Ok ... but almost!
The two children remained in " Day Care Center " and so I had the day off.
This course wanted to be put to good use and I had planned for some time, go to the " National Gallery of Art " to . Good idea! The museum consists of two Parts: the
" classic" works in the West building and the modern works in the East Building.
There were also a few exhibitions.
Long story short : have in this house I wonder now spent 3 hours and I still have not seen anything! For I was for the complete " eastern part " , so the modern stuff, too tired. And admittedly somewhat listless and oversaturated.
So get out again.
then I've still spent about an hour on the " National Mall " promenade, as the weather had become something better.
I then met with my Hostmum front of their office, which is not far away. Back to " Day Care Center " and the children picked up and off you went home. Pretty tired, added.
evening I was then taken there with a lot [ 4] German / Austrian Au Pair for dinner. Since I had already eaten, there's " only " a Cheesecake ... it was sooo delicious! And huge.
recommendation :
"Vanilla Bean Cheesecake " of TGI Friday's - delicous.

Saturday was actually a party program planned, but there were a few complications with another au pair that I wanted to pick up nice enough, so I spent Saturday night with Alice and Mad Hatter on the couch. Very amusing and
... love! On Sunday
was a shopping trip with my Lieblingshostmum on To - Thurs - List .
Thanks to this I could add a few more shops on my " best shopping in the world " list.
got home gabs food and a short Mallbesuch with Lisa .
A very lovely German Au Pair. This was certainly not the last meeting.
Thursday's head to the camping trip to Maryland .
I'm excited! :) As far as
xoxo . Verbing to
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