And I have not heard from me. -.- °
But go now immediately.
in fast-forward: first
Weekend of October:
- Ultrabar! aka
Club in DC - Cinema ("The Social Network )
second Weekend of October:
- Friday: Black Cat - Music
- Saturday: "Sightseeing in DC"
- Sunday: Winter Jack purchasing
Washington was one of the last stops of the film crew, before the film is then processed, cut and assembled to be.
"Bumblebee" was officially destroyed and a replacement had to be transported. We are at the
Dientag went to Constitution Avenue, was shot out on that day.
were in a side street, we make the acquaintance of "Bumblebee" II, Optimus Prime and Megatron.
Sorry, we can follow action scenes, but for that we were put off with Josh Duhamel, Michael Bay, which was not too bad a compromise.
The finished film will be released next July storm and even if he is the scariest movie of the year: we were there!
We are now very particular okäy?
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