Yesterday was not at all times so special ... except that it is the first real work was.
in fast forward:
- Alex brought to the school with the little ones in tow. [ 35 ° C ]
- employed him to 12 clock more or less useful. [ next ]
- prepared lunch. [ unhealthy ]
- pool session. [ short ]
- dinner for the children. [ Italian ]
- dinner for the adults. [ Indian ]
Today we were at the bank [ of America ] and there have opened an account for me. At least we have first tried in vain.
The printer wanted us to do this not happening! After about half an hour and feelings 237 attempts he has the documents but then spat out and I could sign the stuff. Pretty funny
procedure you go through there, if you're a [ Online ] account is opened.
example, you have to three different "security questions" to choose for the Bank in an incident also can establish beyond doubt that it is also the owner.
An excerpt of the questions:
- have you lived in this city 16 years ago?
- What is the name of the 3rd Schwager their maternal grandmother?
- hießt As your 2nd Cat with 3 First name?
- liked what dog food dog's favorite places from your childhood on the fourth-best?
And those were the innocent ...
I'm definitely a schöen selection of these questions together and answered truthfully. As far as I could. At the very least.
Oh. According to Bank of America now my name is Lisa-Marie German. Too kool, right?
xoxo .
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