Thursday, December 18, 2008

What Does Having Nipple Pierced Signify

SCHNORR and Mecklenburg

If hams a nation of freeloaders and envious? Man
believe it can, if we consider the debate to the
[Newsgroup de.comm.funk.amateur]
through the peephole.


excerpts writes 11.12.2008 Eike, DM3ML

[... Hello, dear radio friends, has a new software (version 2.0) and it looks as if the access in the future be granted (at least in 30 days) only to paying customers. ... ]

and further

[... As Logger32 fan, I've liked the quick access to that used by an agreement between the program's author Bob, K4CY and qrz com was possible. seems angry about the many free-rider to be pushed and rising costs for his business's conversion policy before .......]

then replied Helge Tefs - DG0NF - on 12/12/2008

[.... Hi Eike! What you wrote is incorrect and the title is actually more the style of the BILD-Zeitung. If one news exactly (even the cited section of you) reading this, then one will realize that that is not QRZ.COM suddenly cost money, but the use of the data in (some) external programs that have used the data currently free. In various other programs it cost always .... ]

and further

[... only to users of programs (in which case Logger32), the needed information directly from the web pages are filtered and then processed internally, look into the future in the tube. In that case, the users have the websites (and advertising) is not seen and therefore not to fund QRZ.COM contributed. Such use will now be excluded with the change .....]

[... But to write " not free" is simply wrong.

Correct would

"The use of QRZ.COM in Logger32 is soon no longer free "....]


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