Thursday, November 26, 2009

Bahrain Tv Channel Frequency

panel discussion and book launch

"Stop the presses!"
On the connection between media industry, and racism in Austria

Institute of Science and Arts, Mountain Gasse 17 / 1, A-1090 Vienna
Wed, 09.12. 2009, 19:00 clock

Ten years after the death of Marcus Omofuma Austrian report Media sometimes still completely uncritical of serious misconduct of the police: deaths, torture, ill-treatment. In cases of racially motivated violence by the Austrian police officers are maligned victim, perpetrators and suspects taken into protective categorically.

What effect does a report, the racist stereotypes and prejudices served on the thinking and actions of the readers? As the Austrian journalism has responded to the criticism of the media treated the criminalization of African communities as a result of police action Operation Spring? And how the relationship between the media presents to representatives of state authority in a international comparison is?

about these and discuss other issues:
Araba Evelyn Johnston-Arthur (Institute of African Studies / Department of Political Science, University of Vienna; Association Pamoja)
Irene Brickner (editor The default )
Petra Herczeg (Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies, University of Vienna, author of the study Integration and Production: The 'case Arigona' in the Austrian media )
Renée Winter (historian, author of Not all whites shoot )
Karin Zauner (PhD student at the Institute of Journalism and Communication Studies, Diploma work settings Austrian Chronicle journalists on migration)

Chair: Gerd Valchars (Green Bildungswerkstatt minorities)

Organized by the editorial team of the brochure without residence permits together with the Greens education workshop minorities , the Institute for Science and the Arts and the Vienna Open.